SOS Africa

SOS Africa is an association that was formed at the beginning of 2013 for the purpose of supporting one particular Catholic mission  of the Society of Saint Pius X. The chosen mission is situated to the south of Nigeria and is under the care of three priests; one African and two Frenchmen. The Abbreviation “SOS” (Save Our Souls) is literally a distress call and it nicely sums up the constant material quest in service of the spiritual good that is being fostered in the heart of this African mission.

On this website, you will discover the organization of this Nigerian mission and the daily input of its priests under precarious financial conditions.

As we give you this little guided tour, we will take the opportunity it affords us to appeal to your generosity: firstly in asking you to offer a decade of your Rosary for the intentions of these missionaries. But, your generosity need not only be limited to prayer, you may also help the mission both materially and financially by giving some of your time to the service of SOS and/or by making a donation for its upkeep. The mission’s projects are ambitious, diverse, and numerous, and include the construction of a Church, a mission house, a convent, a school, and the purchase of a 4x4 vehicle and of land in our various Mass centres for the permanence of the apostolate. We thank you in advance for your help and we pray that St. Michael the Archangel, the patron of this mission, may watch over it and it’s host country Nigeria. 

The last newsletter : 



Nsukka - Les servants de Messe


Port Hacourt


Premières communions - Oji River


Façade sud - Enugu


Bénédiction d'anniversaire


Nouveau Praesidium de la Légion de Marie - Oji River


Travaux au troisième étage - Enugu


Repas de bienvenue - Enugu

Pray with the mission

Prier avec la mission

O Jesus, Eternal High Priest, keep Thy priests within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, where none may harm them. Keep unblemished their anointed hands, which daily touch Thy Sacred Body. Keep unsullied their lips, which are daily moistened with Thy Most Precious Blood. Keep pure and detached their hearts, marked by the sublime seal of Thy Glorious Priesthood. Make them grow in love and faithfulness to Thee; protect them from the contagion of the spirit of the world. Along with the power of changing bread and wine also grant them the power to change hearts. Bless their labours with abundant fruit and give them one day the crown of eternal life.

Amen. St. Theresa of Lisieux